Freedom Summer
Title- Freedom Summer Author/Retold- Deborah Wiles Illustrated by Jerome Lagarrigue Genre- Coretta Scott King Grade level- 1st Grade-3rd Grade The story begins with the narrator and his black friend, John Henry. They are very close friends and do a lot together during the summer time. They swim in a creek together. They both can’t go tot he then pool because only white people can go to the pool. They go to town for an ice pop. Joe could enter the store but John Henry couldn’t. Joe’s mother and father tell him that everyone of any color can go to he store, pool, etc. Joe told John Henry and they decided to both go to the pool and jump of the high dive together. When they got to the pool, they saw workers fill up the pool with tar. John wanted to go the pool and he was upset and joe finally understood why his friend was upset. He wanted to see this life they way his friend did. They decided to go get a popsicle and they both entered the shop together. This book is...