New Kid
Title- New Kid Author/Retold- Jerry Craft Illustrator- Jim Callahan Genre- Graphic Novel Grade level- 3rd-8th grade Awards- Newbery Medal The book starts of with Jordan about to start his life at a new school. He experiences the adjustment to a new school and a new grade, as well as navigating the types of stereotypes given to kids of color. At first, Jordan isn’t comfortable at all being there and the interactions in the school make him want to change school again. He meets many interesting characters along the way like Alexandra, Dean, and his art teacher, Ms. Slate. By the end of the book, he had a very close group of friends, makes peace with one of the protagonists, and he feels a new sense of comfortability and higher sense of self in the end. This graphic novel is an amazing representation oh how stereotypes affect they way people see others. It is also an amazing example of how hard it can be for someone to adjust to a new school, how someone looks at themselves, and...