Every Day’s a Dog’s Day
Title- Every Day’s, a Dog’s Day Author/Retold- Marilyn Singer Illustrated by Miki Sakamoto Genre- Poetry Grade level- kindergarten-third There are many poems in this book. Valentine’s Day poem is about a dog in the first person. The dogs owner calls him valentine and he knows that’s not his name. The owner kisses and loves the dog. She gave him her hear, so he offers his paw. The Thanksgiving poem is about his mischievous acts like burying the turkey, puncturing the football, and getting in the pantry. At the end, the dog is thankful for them not throwing him in the pound for what he did. I think this is a perfect book for kindergarteners to third graders. There are multiple poems for certain days of the year. You could use the Fourth of July poem to introduce the revolutionary war topic or why we celebrate Fourth of July. I would use this book to introduce the topic of the day or the theme of the holiday coming up (ex. Thanksgiving, Christmas, First day of School). I would read it alo...